Leadership Experience
Graduate Women of Engineering (GradSWE) at UC Berkeley
New Student Chair | August 2022 - May 2023
- Organized “Grad School 101” workshops to facilitate the transition to graduate school for first year students.
- Oversaw the GWE Buddies peer mentoring program that pairs first year students with returning graduate students.
Co-President | August 2021 - July 2022
- Managed a team of 23 officers to manage the UC Berkeley GradSWE organization.
- Coordinated with other student societies to plan a welcome back social event for over 200 engineering graduate students.
Web Master | August 2020 - August 2021
- Transitioned website platform to wordpress.
- Redesigned website to hold resources for graduate students and updates for upcoming events.
- Created a Twitter account for organization to share news and upcoming events.
- Coordinated with other officers to publicize events and programs.
- Created a peer mentoring program, called GWE Buddies.
Society of Women Engineers - Society Level
GradSWE Community Mentoring Coordinator | October 2019 - May 2021
- Communicating with the GradSWE community and SWE as a whole about the GradSWE Mentoring program.
- Connecting mentors with mentees.
SWE Future Leader (SWEFL) | May 2018 - May 2019
- Participated in monthly phone calls with various professional development talks.
- Created a leadership development plan with objectives for leadership skill development plan, action steps for completing objective by target dates, and ways to measure success.
Society of Women Engineers at University of Tennessee
President | May 2018 - May 2019
- Raised $11,450 for section through company sponsorships and award applications.
- Managed team of 7 officers and 10 chairs overseeing a 260 member section.
- Created Alumni Chair position to improve relations with UTK SWE Alumni.
President-Elect & VP of Membership | May 2017 - May 2018
- Recruited freshmen and upperclassmen to participate in SWEeties mentorship program. Number of participants increased from previous year by 178%.
- Automated goal tracking system for SWEeties with Google Sheets, allowing weekly tracking to be cut from 2 hours to a few minutes.
- Developed a live leadership board for SWEeties participants to see where they ranked compared to other SWEeties pairs, creating a competitive environment that encouraged more participation.
- Coordinated a week-long recruitment event aimed to invite new engineering students to our section. Events had a record attendance of over 165 individual attendees.
Outreach Chair | January 2017 - May 2017
- Selected experiments and laboratory demonstrations for high school girls for SWE’s annual Tomorrow’s Engineers Today outreach event.
- Marketed event toward high school students and helped advertise at local high schools.
- Created a schedule for volunteers for the day of the event and coordinated logistics during event.
- Obtained volunteer feedback and edited planning of current year to be better prepared for following year.
Section Member | August 2014 - May 2019
- Served on SWE Week, Wellness, and Outreach committees.
- Awarded a scholarship for being one of the most involved members in the 2015-2016 academic year.
- Selected as the Most Outstanding Sophomore for the 2015-2016 academic year.
- Selected as SWE Overachiever for the 2016-2017 academic year.
American Nuclear Society at University of Tennessee
Secretary | May 2017 - May 2018
- Developed a points system to track the number of events that members attend and reward highly involved members with a scholarship at the end of the academic year.
- Coordinated with nearby high school to teach a lecture about nuclear technology.
Women in Nuclear at University of Tennessee
Secretary | May 2016 - May 2017
- Organized a panel discussion meeting highlight co-op and internship experiences of nuclear engineering students.
- Coordinated an event with other engineering societies to prepare students for a job fair with workshops on elevator pitches, mock interviews, and resume critiques.